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Monday, April 4, 2011
The application faild to intialize properly (0xc0000006).Click on OK to terminate the application.
You system by the looks of this file/error message is infected with malware, try these steps and let us know: Click Start >> Control Panel >>
Double click Network and Internet Connections >> Double click Internet Options.
On the IE properties windows you will see these Taps: General | Security | Privacy | Content | Connections | Programs | Advanced Under General Tab clear your History, Internet Files and Cookies. Then click on Advanced tab and scroll down to under the Browsing Option: [&] Browsing [ ] Enable Third-Party browser extensions (Req Rest) uncheck this box.
Then click on Programs Tab and click Manage Add-Ons and Disable all non Verified Add-Ons (You should Renable them later one-by-one and see the culprit and update it or remove it.
How to manage Add-Ons: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/883256
2... You need to be sure your system is clean from malware and Viruses by scanning for them Scan for malwares from here: http://onecare.live.com/site/en-gb/d....htm?s_cid=sah http://onecare.live.com/standard/en-gb/default.htm
Run a scan from here on-line: http://www3.ca.com/securityadvisor/virusinfo/scan.aspx
Download Avast Cleaner from here: http://www.avast.com/eng/avast-virus-cleaner.html
Lots of tools to download and disinfect your machine: http://www.bitdefender.co.uk/site/Do...eeRemovalTool/ http://free.grisoft.com/doc/5390/lng/us/tpl/v5
This is usually caused by a virus that is trying to load each time an application is initialized. The actual exe or dll may have been removed by a vrius scanner, but the registry key still remains. Theat is what is causing lsass to fail. There is a registry key that needs to be edited. but you can't load windows to get into the registry. you'll need a remote registry editor, like BartPE, or Ultimate Boot CD for Windows. THIS IS SERIOUS STUFF AND CAN F@#$ YOUR COMPUTER, so if you don't have COMPLETE CONFIDENCE that you know how to safely edit the registry, take it to a professional.
Once you gain access to the registry, back it up, then search for AppInit_Dlls. renamed it AppInit_Dlls.old. Then create a new string key named AppInit_Dlls. leave its value blank, empty. Save your registry changes and reboot into safe mode with F8. Once windows loads, install MalwareBytes scanner and do a fullscan. You will need to reboot to kill all viruses, and probably have to run the full scan a second time in normal boot mode (not safe mode).
Then install a serious anti-virus anti-malware scanner, nothing from McAfee or Norton Symantec will be good enough, they are just shills for suckers. thank you internet.
0xC0000006 means the Device it is looking for cannot be found.
You need to try to eliminate malware as a potential cause of the
problem. What are your anti-virus and anti-spyware arrangements? Some
malware target components that would help with it's removal. This could
be why you cannot access Control Panel.
Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware
1.36 -freeware (if you upgrade you pay).
Run Malwarebytes' and turn off your current anti-virus
before you do to avoid a conflict. Disregard the invitation on the web
site regarding the Registry Optimiser -a Registry Optimiser is not a
helpful utility.
If it is malware and you succeed in removing your problems may not end
there. Malware often damages system files. If is does you the have to
repair the damage.
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This post was written by: deivam P Mohanraj
deivam P Mohanraj is a professional blogger, web designer and front end
web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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