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Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Pregnancy Travelling Tips
Can you travel when you’re pregnant? Sure, traveling during pregnancy is usually safe but there are limitations.
Not too early: Some doctors will recommend you avoid traveling by plane in the early months, when miscarriage is most likely to happen, or if you have a history of miscarriage.
Not too late: Obviously you don’t want to fly too late into pregnancy as you wouldn’t want to go into labor on the road, or in the air for that matter. Airlines also don’t want you to go into labor on their watch and many of them don’t allow passengers who are close to their due date. Contact the airline to find out what their restrictions are before you book.
Safety first: You’ll have to wear a seatbelt when you travel, whether by air or land so purchase a lap belt extender if necessary or check to see if the airline has some available.
Circulate that blood: Use rest stops when on the road to take walks and keep your blood circulating. If you’re in the air, choose an aisle seat so you can get up and stretch a few times, it also puts you in a better position for bathroom breaks.
Bring snacks: You don’t always know when snacks will be available and if they’re something you want to eat, so bring your own snacks and stay on the schedule you’ve established.
If you have any questions about travel during your pregnancy, check with your doctor, they’ll know more about what your body and your baby can handle.
There are times when travelling during pregnancy can’t be avoided. You might suddenly have a wedding to attend to, or a function that you just can’t miss. But, don’t let your pregnancy come in the way. All that is needed is just a little care and precaution from your side, and you can enjoy every minute of it.
Regarding health:
Consult your doctor:
Discuss your holiday plans with your family doctor who can provide you with important tips and guidelines on going about it. Doctors normally advise that you should not travel during the first three months and last three months of pregnancy and doctor’s word is final. If possible, take information about any good doctor in your destination whom he might refer you to. You can contact this doctor in case of an emergency.
Take your medicines along:
Make sure that all the required medicines are packed and handy whenever needed. The long journey can be accompanied by any small problem like headache, nausea, fever, etc. At such times, you need to have the required medicines prescribed by the doctor.
Keep a constant watch on your temperature and keep in touch with your doctor:
Frequent check up is needed, and you need to communicate with your doctor when on the move, and take constant advice from him/her.
Stay stress free, eat and drink well:
Stay calm and composed, be happy, eat nutritious food and drink lots of fluids.
Carry plastic bags in case you feel nauseating, sleep well and take rest:
Nausea or vomiting is quite common, and you can maintain personal hygiene by using plastic bags. Also, sleep well and take enough rest.
Regarding comfort:
Use the perfect transport:
Travelling can be a bit difficult at such times, and hence try to take the route that is the safest. Avoid bumpy roads, since it can lead to complications. Also, avoid air travel. The best way is to travel by rail.
Wear loose clothes, take a comfortable seat and take breaks in between:
A comfortable seat is needed for your safe journey. Requesting people around to adjust a bit may help. Wear comfortable clothes and take regular walks in between.
Avoid strenuous activities:
Heavy weights can put a lot of pressure on you, and its best to travel light and take only those things which are absolutely necessary.
Try to stay closer to your home:
Try not to go too far since any major problem can be dealt with in an easier manner if you are closer to your home, and go only if it is absolutely needed.
Regarding help:
Don’t be afraid to ask for help:
If you need any help, ask for it. People around will be too happy to help you in case a difficult situation arises. You might even need help in small tasks like moving your luggage, getting your bag etc.
Have company:
Always have a relative or friend along. Never travel solo, since you need some person by your side to help you with the small activities and also when an emergency arises.
Have important numbers on your speed dial:
The Speed dial on your mobile will help you to contact your loved ones quickly.
Follow these tips for a safe journey.
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This post was written by: deivam P Mohanraj
deivam P Mohanraj is a professional blogger, web designer and front end
web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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