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Monday, March 21, 2011

Thumbai Flower or Leucas aspera

Leucas aspera or Thumbai, Siddha remedy for Nasal congestion, Cough, Cold, Fever, Headache, Sinusitis, Snake bites etc.

Plant name : Thumbai
“Though very common but too precious”

Botanical name : Leucas aspera
Family : Labiatae
Actions : Expectorant, Stimulant, Laxative, Anthelmintic.

Siddha Medicinal Uses:

  1. The samoolam of this plant is crushed and boiled with water, the steam is used for inhalation in conditions like nasal congestion, cough, cold, fever, headache etc.
  2. For unconsiousness due to the toxicity of snake bite, the juice of leaves is used as nasal drops. Also the leaves are given internally for best results.
  3. For sinusitis, the flower juice is used for nasiyam.
  4. For continuous headache, juice of flower is used for nasiyam.
  5. For muppini, the flowers are soaked in breast milk and then applied over eyes.
  6. The oil prepared by using the flowers are effective in headache, sinusitis etc.
  7. For intestinal worms in children,the juice of flowers and leaves are given internally or a decoction is prepared of it.
  8. For scorpion bite, the constant rubbing of leaves over effected area can provide relief.
Monday, March 21, 2011 by deivam P Mohanraj · 0

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